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"I had such a great time working on that movie... I remember what we were doing. I thought: 'This could be fun to see'. And when I saw it... I was a little underwhelmed. For my mind, the studio made some choices that I wouldn't have made. It's kind of fun when the movie's coming out. It's like having a horse in the race. And they're lining up, and they're off! And you're rooting for your horse. And in this case, the jockey fell off the horse and you came in last."
Jeff Bridges, ator (sobre o último filme que protagonizou, "R.I.P.D.")
Honestidade refrescante do nosso "Dude", que vai contra a cassete do costume... a Universal é que é capaz de não ter achado muita graça.
“I’m just saying that I think it’s bullshit. I think it’s total, utter bullshit, and I don’t want to be a part of it. I don’t believe in it. It’s a carrot, but it’s the worst-tasting carrot I’ve ever tasted in my whole life. I don’t want this carrot. It’s totally subjective. Pitting people against each other…It’s the stupidest thing in the whole world. It was one of the most uncomfortable periods of my life when Walk the Line was going through all the awards stuff and all that. I never want to have that experience again. I don’t know how to explain it—and it’s not like I’m in this place where I think I’m just above it—but I just don’t ever want to get comfortable with that part of things.”
Joaquin Phoenix, ator (sobre os Oscars)
Enquanto se vai escapando por entre as gotas da chuva a qualquer evento de promoção de The Master... Parece que alguém não vai andar pelo Dolby Theatre em Fevereiro próximo...
"I thought The Avengers was an appalling film. They’d shoot from some odd angle and I’d think, why is the camera there? Oh, I see, because they spent half a million on the set and they have to show it off. It took me completely out of the movie. I was driven bonkers by that illogical form of storytelling."
Wally Pfister, diretor de fotografia da trilogia Batman (sobre The Avengers)
Oh diabo...
"We didn't start talking about [Taken 3] until we saw the numbers, but then we said, 'Oh, okay. I think we should do a third one.' And Fox wants us to do a third one."
Robert Mark Kamen, produtor de Taken e Taken 2 (sobre a possibilidade de um Taken 3)
Ah... como é refrescante ver que se continuam a fazer filmes pelas razões certas...
Valha-nos, pelo menos, o bom senso de tentar algo minimamente diferente. Depois de duas interpretações literais do título (Taken), Kamen ainda acrescentou "We've taken everyone we can take — it's going to go in another direction".
"Yes, I've seen it... and it makes The Tree of Life look like Transformers."
Ben Affleck (sobre To The Wonder, o mais recente filme de Terrence Malick)
Espera aí... o quê?
"I just watched a ton of reality TV. I was doing an English course [at Brown University]. So I would go from reading Virginia Woolf to [watching] Kim Kardashian. I kind of loved it, this mix of super-high and super-low culture. I think it was a nice balance."
Emma Watson (sobre a preparação para o seu novo filme The Bling Ring, de Sofia Coppola)
Excelente forma de pôr as coisas, e excelente forma de ficarmos ansiosos pela próxima incursão cinematográfica de ambas (Emma e Sofia): A trama segue um grupo de adolescentes que comete uma série de assaltos em casas de celebridades.
"Foi aquela coisa horrível chamada Cahiers du Cinéma, a desgraça do cinema europeu, que criou essa figura do cinema de autor."
Nicolau Breyner, ator
ai ai Nico...
“I’m in the Avatar business. Period. That’s it. I’m making Avatar 2, Avatar 3, maybe Avatar 4, and I’m not going to produce other people’s movies for them. I’m not interested in taking scripts…. I think within the Avatar landscape I can say everything I need to say that I think needs to be said, in terms of the state of the world and what I think we need to be doing about it. And doing it in an entertaining way.”
James Cameron - realizador e produtor (sobre carreira e Avatar)
Avatar... 4? Dear god...