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Mise en Scène - 4 Clips de Basterds e Primeiras Reviews

por Catarina d´Oliveira, em 21.05.09

Inglorious Basterds, o mais novo filme de Quentin Tarantino, teve direito a honras no prestigiadíssimo festival de Cinema de Cannes. Se um filme tem o carimbo de Tarantino é porque é no mínimo supreendente e pouco convencional, e só por isso já me interessa! Ainda para mais, com o cenário da Segunda Grande Guerra por trás...outro tema que me interessa muito! Quatro novos clipes espalharam-se pela Internet e não podia deixar de partilhá-los convosco.



Bom mas quanto às primeiras impressões de Inglorious Basterds... ficam alguns "lamirés" daqueles que já tiveram a sorte de assistir ao "épico nazi" de Tarantino.


“An entertaining yet uneven movie that provides comedy, drama and some interesting psychological twists and turns, but never quite delivers on that "men on a mission" promise, lacking the requisite action and spectacle to truly to make it a classic of the genre. “

IGN (Christ Tilly) 

“It isn't funny; it isn't exciting; it isn't a realistic war movie, yet neither is it an entertaining genre spoof or a clever counterfactual wartime yarn. It isn't emotionally involving or deliciously ironic or a brilliant tissue of trash-pop references. Nothing like that. Brad Pitt gives the worst performance of his life, with a permanent smirk as if he's had the left side of his jaw injected with cement, and which he must uncomfortably maintain for long scenes on camera without dialogue.” 

GUARDIAN (Peter Bradshaw)

“Essentially it's western meets war movie, with David Bowie on the soundtrack…. It still can't touch Pulp Fiction, which won the Palme D'Or in 1994, but the reaction here at Cannes is that Quentin Tarantino has made a glorious, silly, blood-spattered return.”

BBC (Emma Jones)

Basterds is a bit light on the action, heavy on the talking, and full of great performances. It's as awesome as Tarantino's first two films and as entertaining as his most recent few. It's the WWII movie we've been waiting to see.”

FIRST SHOWING (Alex Billington) 

“A surprisingly tame war movie from the king of pulp fiction Quentin Tarantino… The film is by no means terrible -- its running time of two hours and 32 minutes races by -- but those things we think of as being Tarantino-esque, the long stretches of wickedly funny dialogue, the humor in the violence and outsized characters strutting across the screen, are largely missing.”


Inglourious Basterds is a violent fairy tale, an increasingly entertaining fantasia in which the history of World War II is wildly reimagined so that the cinema can play the decisive role in destroying the Third Reich. Quentin Tarantino's long-gestating war saga invests a long-simmering revenge plot with reworkings of innumerable genre conventions, but only fully finds its tonal footing about halfway through, after which it's off to the races. By turns surprising, nutty, windy, audacious and a bit caught up in its own cleverness, the picture is a completely distinctive piece of American pop art with a strong Euro flavor that's new for the director.”

VARIETY (Todd McCarthy)


"Empire has just seen Quentin Tarantino's eagerly-awaited WWII flick, Inglorious Basterds, and it's rather brilliant. Every bit as idiosyncratic as the spelling of its title, it's a wonderfully-acted movie that subverts expectation at every turn. And it may represent the most confident, audacious writing and directing of QT's career".

EMPIRE (Chris Hewitt)


Como dá para ver, a crítica divide-se entre os que adoram, odeiam, ou estão entre um e outro. Sem criar expectativas exageradas, eu cá acho que vou gostar!

O IMDB anuncia a estreia de Inglorious Basterds a 27 de Agosto de 2009 em Portugal, mas a data ainda não foi confirmada.

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RIP - Wayne Allwine, a voz de Mickey

por Catarina d´Oliveira, em 21.05.09


Wayne Allwine era um especialista de efeitos sonoros que continuou o legado Walt Disney ao produzir a conhecida voz em flasetto do Rato Mickey desde 1977. Foi o terceiro homem a dar voz à mais icónica personagem da Disney. Walt Disney foi o primeiro, em 1928 até 1947 quando Jimmy Macdonald assumiu a responsabilidade.

Allwine sofria de Diabetes, e graves complicações ditaram o seu falecimento no UCLA Medical Center (Los Angeles) aos 62 anos. A Disney e o Cinema ficaram novamente mais pobres... O Close-Up não podia deixar passar o tributo.

RIP Allwine.



"My life has been spent working, in one capacity or another, for the Disney family. I consider it to be a very high calling, serving Walt's dream"

Wayne Allwine


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